MAINLINE丨Salone del Mobile

意大利著名作家和艺术评论家乌贝托·艾科 Umberto Eco在谈到设计的时候曾说过“如果别的国家有一种设计理论,意大利则有一套设计哲学”。米兰国际家具展自1961年首次亮相已有60年历史,既扎根于展示“实用加美观”的意大利设计,同时容纳对生活品质不断追求的众多顶级国际设计品牌。

Umberto Eco, a famous Italian writer and art critic, once said that "if other countries have a design theory, Italy has a design philosophy" when talking about design. With a history of 60 years since its debut in 1961, the Milan International Furniture Fair is rooted in displaying "utilitarian and beautiful" Italian design, as well as hosting many of the top international design brands in the pursuit of quality of life.


第59届意大利米兰国际家具展(Salone Internazionale del Mobile)将定于2021年9月5日-10日在米兰国际展览中心举行。

The 59th Salone Internazionale del Mobile will take place from 5 to 10 September 2021 at the Center Internazionale de Milano.



With the focus on elegance and innovation, attention will once again focus on Milan's centrality. It is an international city that attracts investors from all over the world. It is also a popular city among young people because in addition to ancient art and architecture, emerging aesthetic concepts are within reach.


米兰国际家具展已将「 优雅 」引入其2021年宣言的十大关键词中,其他关键词包括情感、商业、品质、设计、系统、沟通、文化、新锐设计师、独创性、米兰。它的主题叙述是对社会转型的忠实反映,设计实际上是对形态与材料的实验,是对美的不断探索。此外,展会还将关注道德,以及与米兰和新一代之间的联系。

The Salone Internazionale del Mobile has introduced "elegance" into the ten key words of its 2021 manifesto, along with emotion, business, quality, design, system, communication, culture, emerging designer, originality, and Milan.
Its theme narrative is a faithful reflection of the social transformation, design is actually an experiment on form and material, is a constant exploration of beauty. In addition, the show will focus on ethics, as well as the connection between Milan and a new generation.



“ 米兰展将设计师、参展商、观众和米兰人,引入到了米兰在过去几年中所认识到的一个新层面。米兰一直是创新的、竞争的以及国际化的,也认识到了自己是优雅的,在创造、提供和体验优雅的独特方式上与其他艺术不相上下。米兰国际家具展也表达了米兰对环境和社会的可持续发展的渴望,以及其作为新锐设计师中心的使命,我们将很好地依据这些原则进行设计与生产,而这些原则正推动着米兰的转型和复兴。 ”

"Milan brings designers, exhibitors, visitors and Milanese to a new dimension that Milan has come to recognize over the last few years. Milan has always been innovative, competitive and international, and has recognized that it is elegant, on a par with other arts in its unique way of creating, providing and experiencing elegance. The International Furniture Fair also expresses Milan's desire for environmental and social sustainability and its mission as a centre for emerging designers. We will design and produce in accordance with these principles, which are driving Milan's transformation and renewal."



At the Salone Internazionale del Mobile visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of the exhibition, while it also provides opportunities for productive and organized companies. Milan will become one of the most interesting and attractive places in the world during this particular week.
